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Holy Scriptures of Truth


The New Testament


  1. Ex 4:20-22 (Israel is his son, even his firstborn)













  14. Isa 40: 18, 25 & 45:12-23 (Yah said there is no equal to him)

  15. Israelites trust in Yah's name

  16. Prophets must say what thus saith Yah

  17. ....

  18. ...

  19. Deut 24:16; Gen 18:23




  1. 1. John 1:34 (JC Son on man); John 3:14-18)

  2. Luke & Matt (genealogy of JC)

  3. Luke 24:47 (preach for the repent for sins in JC name)

  4. Matt 5:38-42 (resist not evil, eye for eye..etc)

  5. Matt 5:43-44 (love your enemies)

  6. Matt 9:6 (man have power on earth to forgive sins)

  7. Matt 10:34 (JC came not to send peace)

  8. Matt10:38 (he that taketh not up the cross can't follow JC)

  9. Matt 12:1-13 (JC working on Sabbath)





  14. Phil 2:5-11 & 1Tim 3:16 (JC say he equal to "God";  "GOd" was manifested in the flesh of JC)

  15. Matt 12:21 (Gentiles shall trust in JC name)

  16. Matt 17:5-6 (voice from cloud); Matt 21:11 JC prophet but not saying thus saith Yah)

  17. John 1:17 (Grace and truth came by wayof JC)

  18. John 1:18 (No man hath seen "God")

  19. John 2:29 & Hebrews 10:10 (JC a human sacrifice that taketh away the sin of the world)

  20. John 10:37 (JC said if he do not do the works of his father, believe him not)

  21. 1 Corinth 7:18-19 (circumcision is nothing)

  22. Gal 3:26-29 (Ye are children of "God" by faith in JC)

  23. Gal 3:1-5 (JC sent to redeem us)

  24. Col 2:16-23 (contradition to holy days and commandments)

  25. 1Tim 2:5 (There is one "God" and one mediator between "God" and men named JC who gave himself a ransom for all)

  26. 1Tim 2:11 (Let the woman learn in silence)

  27. 1Tim 4:3-5 (eat whatever you want)

  28. Hebrews 8:7-13 (OT done away with and new covenant needed)

  29. Hebrews 9:15-28; 12:24 (JC mediator & his blood bore the sins of many)

  30. Hebrews 10:4 (not possible for the blood of bulls and goats tot ake away sins)

  31. Hebrews 11:1 (Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen...point being all patriarchs had faith and did not see the almighty)

  32. Rev 22:16 (morning star reference....isn't that satan?)

NT Slavemaster Doctrine


Eph 6:5-9

1Tim 1-5

Hebrews 12:7-13

Hebrews 13:7-8, 17-21

1Peter 2:13-25

1Peter 3:1-7

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